The culture of craft in Kentucky has been cultivated by generations of women sharing their practices with others. In 1914, the Smith-Lever Act created Agricultural Extension Agencies throughout the country, many of them hiring women "Home Demonstration Agents" to teach home economics and domestic sciences. The agents would travel to the county they were assigned to work in, by foot, ferry, or even mule. One of these agents, Mary Louise Scott was stationed in Breathitt County in the 1930s. The pieces in this exhibit “In The Field”, are meant to reflect the role of women like Ms. Scott and the impact that they had on both the agricultural, domestic, and artistic culture of the state. The Commonwealth of Kentucky is both the source of inspiration and the source of materials for these pieces. The fabric for each piece has been dyed using plants harvested from all of Kentucky's 120 counties.

This quilt and accompanying pieces were shown at the Lexington Art League’s Loudoun House in exhibit from January to March, 2023.


Civic Artist In Residence